
Business Plans

Experienced growth strategy specialists who grow your business

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

When starting a business and getting it off the ground, it can be easy to fall into the trap of expecting success without actually planning for it. It is recommended that all businesses have a business plan that has been reviewed by a professional. Unified Marketing writes and reviews business plans for business of all sizes and industries operating in Australia.

Without a business plan, your business cannot acquire real estate, get a bank loan, or even attract lenders and investors. Your business plan is your business’s way of proving that your business concept is viable and has potential for success. 

Mandi Davies and the team at Unified Marketing have had over a decade of experience writing business plans for new businesses, as well as already existing companies. We can assist you in the process of creating a business plan or reviewing one that has already been drafted. We can provide ongoing advice regarding your business plan to ensure that it addresses all the key and relevant aspects of running your business. 

The technical details contained within a business plan should not be dismissed as unnecessary or superfluous. It is these details that inform decisions as well as inform other stakeholders in your enterprise. 

Mandi Davies and her team take pride in creating highly professional, detailed, and actionable business plans that allow you to plan for your success. Without this plan, there is no guarantee and no security in the growth or success of your business.

Why a Business Plan is the Cornerstone of an Idea

If you open a business without a business plan, it can be some time before you realise that you’re not quite sure whether you are meeting targets or even making profit. It is hard to have benchmarks and targets for success if you haven’t planned those benchmarks.

Without a business plan, you cannot transform an idea into a tangible outcome — it would be like stumbling around in the dark trying to find the light switch. 

Unified Marketing helps you to address critical information in your business plan, such as details relating to your branding, your customer base, sales targets and profit growth, marketing, operations, and cashflow. We also help you to contingency plan in the event that things don’t exactly go according to plan. 

Mandi Davies and her team help you create a business plan that defines your objectives and gives your business a clear direction. This provides the infrastructure for your ideas of success, creating a foundation that your business can draw upon at any time during your business venture.

Let’s chat about how your business can plan for success.